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"Ride The Wave" - Saturday - 3/6 Blocks 1,3, and 5 :50/:10 x4e, Blocks 2&4, :25/10 x 4e, Rest 1:00 Between Blocks
1) TRX Strap Tricep Extension, Skater Squat (or Band Tricep Ext)
2.) Knee Drive Plank Iso Hold, Split Squat Hops
3.) Waiter Hold Drop to 10 Band Curl, Foam Rollee Hamstring Curl
4.) SL Inchworm, Deadbug
5.) Dynamic Step Up, Diamond Pushup Challenge
Primer: Spinal Wave x :40,
Alternating Reverse Lunge x:40,
Line Hops x :20 , Rest :05, Repeat x 2