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"Half Life"
:50/:15, :25/:10 x4 Cycles of each
1.) 1-Arm DB Row (12-15)......... Plyo Lunge
2.) 1-Arm DB Row (12-15).......... Power Knee Ins
3.) Duck Walk..........DeadBug
4.) Front Squat..........DeadBug
5.) Push Up 3SP..........Burpees
Pregnancy Modifications
1.) Good Rev. Lunges
2.) Good Static bear
3.) or bottom squat pulse BW squats
4.) Good Band Pull apart
5.) Hand Elevated hands elevated
Split Stance T Spine Rotation (Alt Sides) x :40, Rest :05,
Floor Scorpion (ALT.) x :40, Rest :05,
Squat to stand x :40, Rest :05,
High Knee Sprint x :20, Rest :05, Repeat x 2"